Hello to you !
My name is Ben Aharoni and you can also call me Ben Oz.
You are most welcome to the land of Israel or the land of Canaan as I call it, and I will help you with anything I can.
I am a teacher (private tutor) for Modern Hebrew or Israeli Hebrew or standard Hebrew as it's often called.
I can teach anyone who really wants to learn about this modern-day language and how vastly different it is from the different forms of Ancient Hebrew (Toranic, Prophetic and even Mishnaic).
I can teach you either in Israel itself or remotely online in case me or you are not in Israel at the same time.
I speak English at a near native level and can explain things pedantically and neatly.
I mostly teach Filipinos, Nepalis, Thais, Indians, Sri Lankans and people of other backgrounds coming to work in Israel but I am open to teach this language to generally everyone as I believe that any person who can and want to learn a language should do that with any language and that no man or group of people own any language. In my mind, language is a human product, not a human right, and that essentially there is no such thing as a "global language" and all the languages can be global as they can be non global, in practice.
Where can you study Modern Hebrew with me?
I can teach Hebrew in Israel in my home in Herzliya (a suburb of Tel Aviv) or in the house of the pupil or group of pupils in Israel, or online via Zoom, or WhatsApp.
Do I speak Modern Hebrew natively and what other languages do I speak?
Yes, I speak Modern Hebrew or "Israeli Hebrew" or "Standard Hebrew" as it's also get called nowadays natively, as a first language.
- I can also understand Ancient Hebrew to a broad extent.
- Besides speaking English as second language (near-natively) I also speak Thai as third language (medium and up)..
If you are a Thai national in Israel then I can teach you Hebrew in Thai as well.
Speaking Thai myself gave me the ability to better understand how to phrase consonants and vowels existing in South Asian languages such as Thai, Lao, Vienamese, etc. and to also learn a bit about laguages of the Indian subcontinent such as India, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc. so to have better communication with a student new to Modern Hebrew than many other teachers here in Israel would have.
Consultation about working rights and payments for foreign workers in Israel
If you have encountered any problem with an employer in Israel, I will gladly check your case of rights and payments and will give my advice if your employer is loyal to you or that the situation of overwork or implausable amount of work is being demanded etc.
I will gladly pursue the employer and if you would like it I could also turn me and you to a lawyer in the finest price possible to help with your legal case in Israel, but I will do my very best to prevent the need in a lawyer and sort things myself while actively translating what I got and what I have said to your employer and while actively following the course of events and querying the correct authorities myself.
Solving problems for immigrants in Israel
I will also gladly be your personal problem solver or "fixer" in Israel and if needed I will link you to the correct lawyer or surgeon or nutritionist or shops or resident areas or to the best websites in Hebrew in Israel.
Let's learn together and work together.
With much respect to you for the will and wits to learn one the Hebrew languages (because Ancient Hebrew is the language of my ancient ancestors).
Contact me from Israel or abroad as soon as possible to get immigration data and advice
Contact me by my Israeli phone number or including in WhatsApp or by email
Please don't hesitate to explain complex or difficult cases and I will try to help you as a native Israeli welcoming foreigners to emmigrate to Israel the best I can.
Contact me
Contact details are available in the sidebar and in the contact webpage.